Sacred Services for Him

Shift from stressed out, low energy, rejected or undersexed relationships, low libido, or sex addicted to becoming a highly respected MASTER LOVER!

Your first session is a sacred surrender to the Goddess, designed to connect you with your powerful life force energies. In this transformative experience, you will surrender to my loving touch and release all expectations, allowing you to fully receive my transmissions and be more present with what arises. 

I use meditation, breathwork, soul gazing, massage, and erotic touch to stimulate the rise of kundalini energy, promoting healing and manifestation. These practices help you to become deeply engaged with your inner self. Please note that reciprocal touch is not permitted in the initial sessions as that would take away from experiencing the power of this energy work. Future sessions can be more interactive, depending on your journey's needs.

Sessions are held in a tranquil temple space in Miami, with the option for me to travel to your residence or hotel. All necessary supplies are provided to create a sacred space for a beautiful experience. Please be aware that full union is not included, and we uphold strict professional boundaries to ensure a respectful environment where the energies can flow at their optimum. Most sessions last between 3-5 hours.

Add-Ons & Follow-Ups

  • Learn Tantric Touch (guided reciprocation)

  • Sacred Spot (Prostate) Massage

  • Sacred Waters Bath or Shower Ritual

  • Ecstatic Dance Ritual

  • Kundalini Activating Yoga and embosiment practices

  • Journey with Plant Medicine

Please share your specific interests or desires before booking a session.

Length of Session

The duration of a session depends on how the energy and practice unfold, typically lasting between 3-4 hours. I prefer more time so we can be fully present without watching the clock. Please set aside at least 2 hours for a session and complete all other engagements and communications beforehand to fully surrender to the moment.

Become A Highly Respected MASTER LOVER

Most men don’t know that this is possible, but with tantric practices, you experience a state of relaxed arousal that brings you to a place of greater intimacy, ecstasy, and powerful long-lasting full-body energetic orgasms that allow you to build your own life force energy.


Truly know the joys that a woman can bring you with this practice

Men often measure themselves on how powerful a man they are, by how good a lover they believe women think him to be.

Yet most men don't have these skills to guide women into states of orgasmic BLISS.

Many women lack the knowledge, skill, or confidence to communicate what brings them to expanded states of orgasmic bliss. Most men are not yet able to experience full body, energy, or peak and valley orgasms, and it is difficult for men to understand, or hold the space for a woman to reach her full orgasmic pleasure potential.

Become an even better lover

Until a man is capable of riding continuous, orgasmic waves along with his partner, he must learn to use his hands, mouth, and other methods that will help stimulate healing, awakening a highly aroused state in her.

This ecstatic state can last as long as you allow yourself to relax and receive and you can ride these waves of orgasmic pleasure for hours with your partner.

Only after a man has learned to sustain this blissful circulation within himself, is he able to fully transform his urge to release with the desire of making deep love with his partner. 

Once you have learned this practice you can show up in the way the woman needs you to so that you can awaken her and together you can then merge into sacred love.

It is an intimacy that is so beautiful and profound and allows you to sustain highly ecstatic pleasure and multiple orgasms!


An increasing intimacy issue is when a man suffers from premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction ~ this often leads them to avoid intimacy & sexual love.  The lack of confidence and embarrassment can be very painful. 

Thankfully, Tantra addresses these issues with quick results so that you can feel confident in the bedroom and prepared to be totally present with your partner.  With me, you will be wrapped up in a safe, confidential, and sacred environment so that you can learn skills that have been practiced for thousands of years in ancient Eastern cultures to conquer just these problems.

Another issue men tend to suffer from is feeling starved for intimate attention, touch, affection, and approval. By signing up for a 2-3 hour tantric massage or a full private tantric immersion you will be guided to sink into your breath, to feel, to expand, to open, and to awaken all the senses.  The healing power of pleasure is like no other healing modality in the world.  Pleasure and joy is potent medicine.  Every human being has the birthright to be loved, celebrated, adored, cherished, and touched deeply.  Come discover what stands in your way of connecting with the deepest aspects of your soul… together we conquer the shadow and explode into the light.

Prices per session start at 250 usd per hour for Zoom coaching calls

3/ 5 /10 session packages available per request

multi day Intensives are available tbc

The lost ART of pleasing HER

Female sexual pleasure, rightly understood, is not just about sexuality, or just about pleasure. It serves, also, as a medium of female self-knowledge and hopefulness; female creativity and courage; female focus and initiative; female bliss and transcendence; and as a medium of a sensibility that feels very much like freedom. To understand the Yoni (the sacred temple or female sex center) properly is to realize that it is not only coextensive with the female brain, but is also, essentially, part of the female soul.

Once one understands what scientists at the most advanced laboratories and clinics around the world are confirming — that the Yoni and the brain are essentially one network, or “one whole system,” and that the Yoni mediates female confidence, creativity, and sense of transcendence — the answers to many of these seeming mysteries fall into place.

A pivotal player in this mediation is the female pelvic nerve — a sort of information superhighway that branches out from the base of the spinal cord to the cervix, connecting the latter to the brain and thus controlling much of sexual response. But this information superhighway is really more like a superlabyrinth, the architecture of which differs enormously from one woman to another, and is completely unique for each one. This diversity of wiring in the highly complex female pelvic neural network helps explain why women have wildly different triggers for orgasm. (By contrast, the male pelvic neural network is significantly simpler, consisting of comparatively regular neural pathways arranged neatly in a grid that surrounds the penis in a circle of pleasure.) This biological reality, Wolf points out, clashes jarringly with the dominant culturally constructed fantasy of how sexual intercourse is supposed to proceed.


The Damage of PORN

The pornographic model of love making and even our culture’s conventional model: quick, goal-oriented, linear, and focused on stimulation of perhaps one or two areas of a woman’s body — is just not going to cut it for most women, or at least not in a very profound way, because it involves such a superficial part of the potential of women’s neurological sexual response systems. "Bad stress” stems from the perceived lack of safety, and the presence of safety is absolutely essential to catapulting the female brain into the kind of “high” orgasm that is only possible in this uninhibited trance state that I lovingly giude you into creating for her.

Being present is crucial, so I encourage you to let go of any attachment to specific outcomes or goals. 
  • Tantric Bodywork

    Learn to control and separate orgasms from release. With the newly gained control, expand your own power supply and be at ease with the woman's desires without being drained. 

    It is a relax- into-pleasure approach: with quality breaths, create large amounts of energy that spread throughout your entire body. You experience orgasm without feeling spent afterward, instead you have dramatically MORE energy than when you started!

  • ED Coaching

    Another intimacy issue is when a man suffers from pre-mature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction this often leads them to avoid intimacy & sexual love.  The lack of confidence and embarrassment can be very painful. 

    Thankfully, Tantra addresses these issues with quick results so that you can feel confidant in the bedroom and prepared to be totally present with your partner.  With me, you will be wrapped up in a safe, confidential, and sacred environment so that you can learn skills that have been practiced for thousands of years in ancient eastern cultures to conquer just these problems.

  • Erotic Coaching

    Female sexual pleasure, rightly understood, is not just about sexuality, or just about pleasure. It serves, also, as a medium of female self-knowledge and hopefulness; female creativity and courage; female focus and initiative; female bliss and transcendence; and as a medium of a sensibility that feels very much like freedom. To understand the Yoni (the sacred temple or female sex center) properly is to realize that it is not only coextensive with the female brain, but is also, essentially, part of the female soul.